I am sorry that I did not express my thought clearly. What I mean is that if you could share more pictures of your twins, that would be wonderful. I still remember when my kids were this age, it was fun to see them grow and learn. Sometimes we would look at their baby pictures. It always brings us a lot of joys.
I was surprised that no one found out something was quite unusual on one of the picture. It is the second picture which was taken on the Waikiki beach. Did you see anything wrong on the beach? Nobody was swimming in the water! It had been raining more than 40 days straight in Honolulu before we went. Those dirty sewage water has been washed to the ocean. So nobody dares to try to dip into the ocean! The first picture was taken in the Hilton Waikoloa Village in Big Island. That hotel is really a "grand" hotel. You need to take a tram or boat to go to your room. We love to go back to Big Island again. The Vocalno National Park is a must see. The kids enjoyed snorkeling on the seashore. I highly recommend people to visit the Big Island in Hawaii. If anyone plans to go, try to stay at least one week on the Big Island. Just like the place means, it is a "Big" Island. There are lots of places to explore and see.
我那兩個寶貝已經開始皮了。他們已將近十個月大,正要學著站起來,展開不必被大人抱來抱去而可以自由來去的新階段,我每次看著他們,就會不自覺的笑了出來---最近國內有一支因應母親節的金飾廣告說,自古以來,最癡心的就是父母,我現在可以深深體會! 最近跟珮瑜聊天,我說有時覺得有了孩子,對我的生活產生巨大改變,不僅得犧牲出國旅遊、看電影、和朋友相聚、進修等等活動的時間,甚至還得調整工作和家庭的比重,真的相當辛苦,但是只要看著他們可愛模樣,這些犧牲與調整似乎都算不得什麼了~~我想當媽媽的都會有這樣的感受。
我最近想添購一台新的數位相機兼攝影機,到時有拍到好笑的北鼻影帶,再跟你們分享!敬請期待! ^_^
I am sorry that I did not express my thought clearly. What I mean is that if you could share more pictures of your twins, that would be wonderful. I still remember when my kids were this age, it was fun to see them grow and learn. Sometimes we would look at their baby pictures. It always brings us a lot of joys.
不過,我1990年初去夏威夷,當時的沙灘景致也挺令我不解的。原來滿心以為沙灘上會充斥著古銅肌膚、穿比基尼的辣妹或身材健美的猛男,如同電視上看到的一樣。所以如同開文同學,我也衣著整齊前往沙灘漫步(開文是怕曬黑,我是怕被比下去),誰曉得Waikiki海灘上盡是滿身贅肉、膚色慘白的中老年老美及身材毫不吸引人的日本觀光客。更離譜的是回程在機場,看到所有的日本人都提著兩大箱Haagen Daze冰淇淋要帶回去。